Having been involved with the foreign community in Japan for many years, MPKEN understands well that the perception of cultural differences between foreigners and Japanese has a big impact not only on people's lives, but also on the performance of everyday work.
Jobs such as translator, trainee management, international student management, recruitment, human resources management, etc., where one has to deal with people most of the time, they are in the shoes of day-to-day cross-cultural problems.
Short seminars on topics such as work pressures regarding personnel management, cultural differences between foreign countries and Japan, or dating or marrying Japanese people supported by many friends, MPKEN will provide an introduction to foreign and Japanese culture. This seminar is specially designed on the theme of cultural difference, with seminar instructor by Genki Kajiura, president of Alpha Japanese Language Institute.
Seminar content is presented with content that is closer to daily practice, to help you better understand cultural differences and cross-cultural issues. Case studies are mostly based on work situations so that everyone can immediately apply what they learn in their daily work.
1st meeting: February 26th 2023
2nd meeting: March 5th 2023
Alpha Japanese Language Institute (Tokyo, around Hanzomon and Kojimachi stations)
Google Maps link: 東京都千代田区紀尾井町3-32 紀尾井アートギャラリー
★Address: Kioi Art Gallery
The participation fee for this seminar is 11,000 yen. Thanks to a grant from the "KHM Fund", 20 people were free.
Registration link: Register here
Application deadline: 20 February 2023
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