Tokutei Ginou PROCEDURE
The Tokutei Ginou visa application is quite complicated process where you have to prepare various types of documents. The list below is just a few of the parts of the document you will need to prepare.
The total number of documents that must be submitted including those prepared by the company where you work and those prepared by MPKEN ^^!
Hope you understand the contents of the procedure and cooperate with MPKEN in the process of obtaining the visa!
Here are the required documents below (there are some special cases that may require more documents)
There are a lot of documents to prepare, so we hope you will cooperate and help MPKEN in the visa application process!
(1) 写真(4x3cm) Photo 4x3cm
Note that the photo must be taken within the last 3 months (or the application may be rejected)
(2) パスポート Copy of passport
Send photos to our FB page first
(3) 在留カード Copy of residence card
Send photos to our FB page first
(4) 技能試験合格書の写し Copy of skill test certificate
(5) 日本語能力試験の結果 Results of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT N4/JFT-Basic or higher)
Required for Ryuugakusei (International Student)
(6) 健康診断書 Health certificate
Examination with electrocardiogram in the last 3 months
(7a) 健康保険被保険者証 Copy of health insurance card
(7b) 国民健康保険料納付証明書、又は国民健康保険納付状況の通知書 National Health Insurance Premium Payment Certificate or Notice of National Health Insurance Payment Status (for Ryuugakusei (International Student)
(8) 住民票の写し Copy of residence card (current residence)
Prepare 2 copies
(9) 住民税の課税証明書(直近2年分)Inhabitant tax taxation certificate (for the most recent two years)
Pick up at the city hall in the area where you have lived for the last 2 years (including the area where you moved your residence)
(10) 住民税の納税証明書(直近2年分)Residence tax payment certificate (for the last two years)
Pick up at the city hall in the area where you have lived for the last 2 years (including the area where you moved)
(11) 給与所得の源泉徴収票(#11と同一年度) Employment tax withholding slip
Receive it in the company you work
For Ginou Jisshusei (Intern Program):
(12) 技能実習2号/3号修了証明書、修了を証明する書類
2号 or 3号 Skills Certificate or apprentice completion certificate (Jisshusei)
(13) ①~③の いずれか One of the following from ① to ③
①技能実習検定3級の実技試験の合格証の Copy of the certificate of passing the technical intern training test Level 3 (3級)
②専門級の実技試験の合格証明書 Copy of senmonkyuu
③技能実習生に関する評価調書 Evaluation record on technical intern trainees
For Ryuugakusei (International Students):
(12) 国民年金保険料学生納付特例申請書の写し Copy of the special application for student payment of national pension insurance premiums
(13) 確定申告書の控えのコピー Copy of the final tax return
Apply at the local tax office (bring foreign card, proof of residency, cash - if taxes are due)
*It may be necessary to make an appointment in advance
(14) 申請人名義の納付証明書(その3)Payment certificate in the applicant's name (No. 3)
Apply at the local tax office after completing the tax declaration procedure (Paper No. 13)
(15) 卒業見込み証明書・卒業証明書 Certificate of Expected Graduation/Certificate of Graduation
(16) 成績証明書 School transcripts in Japan
(17) 出席証明書 Attendance certificate
Please provide other information required to apply for a visa:
出生地 Place of birth (include state/province/city):
居住地 Address in home country:
日本の居住地(日本の住所)Address in Japan:
携帯電話番号 Phone number (in Japan):
過去の出入国歴、(回数、最近の出入国歴) Past immigration history to Japan, (number of times, recent immigration history)
犯罪を理由とする処分を受けたことの有無 Do you have a criminal record?
退去強制又は出国命令による出国の有無 Have you ever been deported from Japan?
在日家族(続柄、氏名、生年月日、国籍、同居予定、勤務先、在留カード番号)Information on family members in Japan (complete information on parents, spouse, children, siblings)
- 続柄 Relationship:
- 氏名 Full name:
- 生年月日 Date of birth:
- 国籍 Nationality:
- 同居予定 Do you intend to live together in Japan?
- 勤務先 Workplace/school:
- 在留カード番号 Residence card number:
配偶者 Spouse (if any):
Emergency contact in home country
- 続柄 Relationship:
- 氏名 Full name:
- 住所 Address:
- 電話 Phone number:
インドネシアの送り出し機関名 Sending company name in home country (for Ginou Jisshusei)
Prepare the necessary documents based on Step 1. In the document processing process, you can contact MPKEN if you need assistance.
After getting the document at the shiyakusho or agency, take a clear and easy-to-view photo and send it to MPKEN via Facebook (
Upon MPKEN's request, send the original documents to the MPKEN Office to be archived at the Immigration Bureau.
You need to carry out the procedure for checking retirement benefits online through Nenkin Net to avoid problems regarding benefits that must be explained when applying for a visa.
See how to register here: Instructions for checking retirement benefits closing status through the Nenkin Net website
Postal address
〒 102-0083
東京千代田区麹町3-4トラスティ麹町ビル 2F
Add us on Facebook: MPKEN Staff
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Subject「特定技能ビザ申請書類(Your Name)」
After receiving notification of visa results from the Immigration Bureau, please send the following documents to MPKEN for the procedure for receiving a new residence card:
-Current residence card
-Passport with attached Shiteisho (指定書)
Shiteisho is a document attached to the passport that explains specifically the activities that will be carried out while in Japan.
-4,000 yen stamped and signed payment certificate (Download here)