University entrance support activities
2021年06月16日 Shingaku Memoir Vol.10 Ha Kim Mi(拓殖大学)
“I was hesitant about going to college, but something happened that made me want to challenge myself.”
We asked her to tell us what made her decide to go on to university, and how she feels now that she has become a university student.
2021年04月16日 Online talk with Shizuoka University seniors
NGUYEN TRUNG TIN, a second-year student at Shizuoka University, talked about the EJU exam and the ABP scholarship.(日本語)
2021年04月09日 Online talk with seniors from Hirosaki University
We talked with NGUYEN KIEU VY, a second-year student at Shizuoka University, about the EJU exam and life in Aomori Prefecture.(日本語)